Giải bài tập SGK tiếng Anh 8 thí điểm – Unit 1 – Leisure activities


  1. Read the following article on magazine 4 Teen Website.

2. Can you understand the abbreviations in the text? Use this “netlingo” dictionary if necessary.

3. Find information in the the text to complete the table

WhoWhat activity is mentioned?What does he/she think of it?
EmilyHanging out with friends (window shopping), working as a volunteer.She loves it.
HangCloud watchingShe adores it. It’s easy.
LinnGoing to community centre, painting, dancing, doing drama.She loves it.
MinhPlaying football. Helping his aunt in running cooking classes.He likes it. It’s fun.
ManuelPlaying computer games.
Doing judo
He is addicted to it.
It’s OK.

4. Work with your partner and put the activities in 3 in order from the most interesting to the most boring. Then compare your ideas with other pairs.

Sắp xếp gợi ý:

  1. Linn → 2. Minh → 3. Emily → 4. Manuel → 5. Hằng