Giải bài tập SGK tiếng Anh 10 mới – Unit 1 – Family life

Hướng dẫn chi tiết chữa bài tập sách giáo khoa tiếng anh lớp 10 (thí điểm) – unit 1 – Family Life.


Household chores

  1. Listen and read

Nam: Hello?
Mr Long: Hello, Nam? This is Uncle Long. Is your dad there? I’d like to ask him out for a game of tennis.
Nam: Well, I’m afraid he can’t go out with you now. He’s preparing dinner.
Is he? Where’s your mum? Doesn’t she cook?
Nam: Oh, yes. My mum usually does the cooking, but she’s working late today.
Mr Long: How about your sister and you? Do you help with the housework?
Nam: Yes, we do. In my family, everybody shares the household duties. Today my sister can’t help with the cooking. She’s studying for exams.
Mr Long: I see. So how do you divide household chores in your family?
Nam: Well, both my parents work, so we split the chores equally – my mother cooks and shops for groceries, my father cleans the house and does the heavy lifting, my sister does all the laundry, and I do the washing up and take out the rubbish.
Mr Long: Really? It’s different in my family. My wife handles most of the family chores around the house and I am responsible for the household finances. She is the homemaker and I am the breadwinner. Anyway I have to go now. Tell your dad I called. Bye.
Nam: Oh yes, I will. Bye, Uncle Long

2. Work in pairs. Decide whether the following statements are true (T), false (F), or not given (NG) and tick the correct box.

1. F2. NG3. F4. T5. T6. NG

3. Listen and repeat the words or phrases

4. Write the verbs or verb phrases that are used with the words or phrases in the conversation.

Verbs/Verbs phrases (Động từ/cụm động từ)Words/Phrases (Từ / cụm từ)
split, divide, handlehousehold (chores)
take outrubbish
shop forgroceries
do heave lifting
do washing-up
be responsible forhousehold finances



  1. Match the words and phrases in the box with their meanings below.
1. f2. e3. a4. h
5. b6. g7. d8. c

2. Match the words and phrases in the box with their meanings 2. List all the household chores that are mentioned in the conversation. Then add more chores to the list below.

Chores from the conversation:(việc nhà được nhắc đến trong đoạn văn)

  • prepare dinner (chuẩn bị bữa tối)
  • cook(do the cooking) (nấu ăn)
  • shop (đi mua đồ dùng, đi chợ)
  • clean the house / take out the rubbish (vứt rác)
  • do the laundry (giặt quần áo)
  • do the washing-up (rửa chén bát)
  • do the heavy lifting (khiêng vác đồ nặng)
  • be responsible for the household finances (chịu trách nhiệm về tài chính gia đình)

Other chores (examples):(Những việc khác không được nhắc đến trong đoạn văn)

  • mop / sweep / tidy up the house (lau/quét/ dọn nhà)
  • bathe the baby (tắm cho em bé)
  • feed the baby (cho em bé ăn)
  • water the houseplants (tưới cây)
  • feed the cat / dog (cho mèo/chó ăn)
  • iron / fold / put away the clothes (là/gấp/cất quần áo)
  • lay the table for meals (xếp bàn ăn)

3. Work in pair. Discuss the questions below

  1. What household chores do you usually do? (Công việc nhà nào bạn thường làm?)

I usually do the washing-up, do laundry, take out rubbish. (Tôi thường rứa bát, giặt quần áo, đổ rác.)

  1. How do you divide household duties in your family? (Bạn phân chia công việc nhà trong gia đình như thế nào?)

My mother does the cooking; my father does the heavy lifting; I do washing-up and my sister feeds the cat. (Mẹ tôi nấu ăn; ba tôi làm các công việc nặng; tôi rửa bát và em tôi cho mèo ăn.)


Listen and repeat

2. Listen to the sentences and circle the word you hear

Nội dung bài nghe:

  1. Her brother borrowed her motorbike and crashed it.
  2. The crane has been there for quite a while.
  3. I like bread with butter.
  4. Is it true that he quit?
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