Giải bài tập SGK tiếng Anh 10 mới – Unit 1 – Family life


  1. Read the text and choose the correct verb form
1. does2. cooks3. cleans4. is watching
5. is doing6. is doing7. is tidying up8. is trying

2. Use the verbs in brackets in their correct form to complete the sentences

1. does, is not cooking, is working4. is preparing
2. is taking out5. looks after, works
3. cleans, is cleaning6. is watching, watches



  1. Look at the picture and answer the questions
  1. What are the people in the picture doing?
    They are doing housework.
  2. Do you think they are happy? Why / Why not?
    Yes, they are. Because they do the housework together.

2. Read the text below and decide which of the following is the best title for it

Trả lời: c. Sharing Housework Makes the Family Happier

Read the text again. Do you understand the words from the context? Tick the appropriate meaning for each word from the text.

1. a2. b3. b4. b5. a

4. a (C), b (B)

5. Answer the questions.

  1. How do children benefit from sharing housework?

They did better at school, became more sociable and have better relationships with their teachers and friends.

2. Why do men tend to have better relationships with their wives when they share housework?

Because it shows that they care about their wives and this makes their wives happy.

  1. What may happen to women whose husbands do not contribute to the household chores?

They may fall ill easily or may think about divorce.

  1. How does the family benefit when everyone works together on household chores?

There is a positive atmosphere for the family.

6. Discuss with a partner.

  1. Do you have any problems with sharing housework?

No, I don’t. I am very happy when doing housework with my family.

  1. What benefits do you get when sharing housework?

I become sociable, happier and love my family more.

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