Toàn tập kiến thức về Mệnh đề danh ngữ

Mệnh đề phụ (Dependent), một số giáo trình gọi là subordinate clauses, là một nhóm từ được cấu thành bởi từ nối (subordinator), một chủ ngữ (subject) và một vị ngữ (predicate), có vai trò bổ nghĩa cho câu. Bài học hôm nay sẽ tìm hiểu về mệnh đề danh ngữ – Noun Clauses

Trường hợp mệnh đề danh ngữ làm chủ ngữ

Xét các ví dụ sau:

  • What he has told you is true
  • That he always comes late is a very strange thing
  • Whether she will come or not is difficult to say ( not easy to say)
  • Who is responsible for this failure is difficult to say
  • Whom he has got this golden ring from is difficult to say
  • Whose letter he has read is difficult to say
  • What Is the best thing for me to do now is difficult to say
  • When he will able to finish his work puzzles me
  • Why she has done this is difficult to say
  • How he can answer all these question is difficult to understand

Mệnh đề danh ngữ làm bổ ngữ

  • This is what he has told me
  • That is what I want
  • The question is whether she will come or not
  • The fact is that he doesn’t like the idea

Mệnh đề danh ngữ làm tân ngữ

  • Do you know whether she will come here tomorrow?
  • Do you know who is talking with him?
  • Do you know what he has told her?
  • Does anybody know which girl he likes?
  • Can you remember who made the error?
  • The professor explained how shock waves are formed
  • The engineer must determine If our project are due next week
  • Some people complain about how much money was spent to put the man on the moon?
  • Nobody knows that the lessons is difficult

Trường hợp đặc biệt: chủ từ giả “it” trong mệnh đề danh ngữ

  • It is a very strange thing that he always comes late (Có một điều lạ là anh ta luôn luôn đến muộn)
  • It is difficult to say whether she will come or not (Rất khó để nói rằng liệu cô ấy có đến hay không)
  • It is very interesting who is responsible for this failure (Điều thú vị là ai sẽ là người chịu trách nhiệm cho thất bại này)
  • It is certain whom has got the golden ring
  • It is quite sure whose letter he has read

Chú ý quan trọng

Mệnh đề danh ngữ có thể:

Làm tân ngữ cho giới từ:

  • We laughed at what he said
  • I am thinking of what she has told me

Làm tân ngữ cho động từ kết cấu bằng ” tobe + adjective”

  • She was glad that you were able to come
  • I am certain that I have locked the door./
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