Gender of nouns in English language

Gender of nouns

In modern English there is no grammatical gender. The noun does not posses any special gender forms, neither does the accompanying adjective, pronoun or article which indicate any gender agreement with the head noun.

Difference between Male and Female

  • By two different words: Boy – girl | man – woman | husband – wife |father- mother | sun – daughter | nephew – nice
  • By morpheme combination: Noun (male) + ess = Female
    • Actor – Actress | host – hostess | tiger – tigress | waiter – waitress | lion – lioness | steward – stewardess | …
    • Boyfriend – girlfriend | manservant – maidservant | cock sparrow – hen sparrow | he-bear — she-bear | bull calf – cow calf | …

Some nouns used for both Male and Female

Parents, cousin, teacher, worker, farmer, professor, instructor, police, customs ….

Nouns denote strength, terrible concepts considered as Male

In literature, the noun denoting the strength or terrible concepts are usually considered as Male:

Day, War, The Sun, Death…

Nouns denote the beautiful, attractive concepts considered as Female

Also, the noun showing the beautiful, attractive concepts are usually considered as Female:

night, the moon, freedom, peace, spring …./

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