Đại từ quan hệ trong mệnh đề tính ngữ

Bài trước chúng ta đã học, mệnh đề tính ngữmệnh đề phụ được bắt đầu bằng một đại từ quan hệ (relative pronoun) hoặc trạng từ quan hệ (relative adverb). Bài này chúng ta tìm hiểu sâu hơn về vị trí và chức năng của đại từ quan hệ trong mệnh đề tính ngữ.

1. Đại từ quan hệ làm chủ ngữ 

Xét các ví dụ sau:

– Ovens use microwaves energy. They are capable of cooking foods quickly.

-> Ovens that are capable of cooking foods quickly use microwaves energy. (hạn định)

– I thank the woman who helped me  (hạn định)

An electron tube produces microwaves. Microwaves cook foods quickly

– >An electron tube produces microwaves, which cook foods quickly. (không hạn định)

Microwave ovens have push-button controls. They defrost and cook food automatically.

-> Microwave ovens, which defrost and cook food automatically, have push-button controls. (không hạn định)

2. Đại từ quan hệ làm tân ngữ 

Chú ý: Đại từ quan hệ có thể được lược bỏ trong trường hợp làm tân ngữ trong mệnh đề hạn định

Xét các ví dụ:

– The science magazine that the professor discussed is published in England. (Hạn định – restrictive/defining)

-> The science magazine (that) the professor discussed is published in England (“that” có thể được lược bỏ)

–  Dr.White, whom you met in my office, is an ecologist (không hạn định)

– The Space Museum in Washington,D.C. , which our science class visited during Easter vacation, has many fascinating displays. (không hạn định)

3. Đại từ sở hữu trong mệnh đề tính ngữ

Mệnh đề tính ngữ với đại từ sở hữu “whose” dùng để mô tả một sở hữu nào đó. Loại mệnh đề với đại từ sở hữu này có thể làm chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ. Khi đó cụm từ “whose + noun” làm chủ ngữ của mệnh đề đó.

(a). Trường hợp mệnh đề tính ngữ làm chủ ngữ

– Opportunities for college graduates whose degrees are in business and engineering may be on upswing.  (Cơ hội cho những sinh viên cao đẳng, những người mà có bằng về kinh tế và kỹ sư, sẽ tăng)

– A meteorologist, whose job is to make weather predictions, can not forecast condition a month in advance. (Một nhà khí tượng học, người mà có công việc làm các dự báo thời tiết, không thể dự báo tình hình thời tiết trước một tháng ) 

– A population of between 252 and 373 million people for the year 2025 is predicted by the US Census Bureau, whose figures take into consideration projected births, deaths, and migration

(b) Trường hợp mệnh đề tính ngữ làm tân ngữ

Xét các ví dụ:

– Farmers depend on the meteorologists. They need meteorologists` accurate forecasts for successful agricultural planning

– > Farmers depend on the meteorologists, whose accurate forecasts they need for successful agricultural planning.

– Independent research laboratories test many new products on the market. Consumers trust their evaluations.

-> Independent research laboratories, whose evaluations Consumers trust, test many new products on the market.

– The young woman traveled 1700 miles across Australian’s western wilderness. I read her article in National Graphic

-> The young woman whose article I read in National Graphic traveled 1700 miles across Australian’s western wilderness

Relative pronouns as object of preposition

A relative pronoun can be the object of a preposition in its own clause

Xét các ví dụ:

– The total environment includes the geo-sphere, the biosphere, and the socio-sphere. Scientists are interested in total environment.

-> The total environment, in which Scientists are interested, includes the geo-sphere , the biosphere, and the socio-sphere (cấu trúc 1)

– > The total environment, which Scientists are interested in , includes the geo-sphere , the biosphere, and the socio-sphere.(cấu trúc 2)

– The candidate didn’t win the election. I voted for the candidate

– > The candidate for whom I voted didn’t win the election

– > The candidate whom I voted for didn’t win the election

– > The candidate that I voted for didn’t win the election

– Finding reasonably priced housing is becoming a major problem about which many young couples are concerned.

Relative pronoun is the phrase of quantity

A relative pronoun is also often the object of a phrase of quantity:

some of which, one of whom, each of whom, all of whom,…

Xét các ví dụ:

  • The members of the special commission on crime meet weekly. Some of them were appointed by the mayor.

-> The members of the special commission on crime, some of whom were appointed by the mayor, meet weekly

-> A witness to the crime has to identify the suspect by viewing a line-up of people. One of those people is the accused person.

  • A witness to the crime has to identify the suspect by viewing a line-up of people, one of whom is the accused person

-> As an experiment, the television station decided to show only movies. I had already seen most of the movies.

-> As an experiment, the television station decided to show only movies, most of which I had already seen

  • My three older sisters, each of whom attends a different university, are living abroad

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