Giải bài tập tiếng Anh 6 thí điểm – Unit 2 – My Home


  1. Mi tells Nick about her grandparents’ country house. Look at the pictures of her grandparents’ house and complete the sentences.
1. country2. are3. is 4. are
5. on6. next7. on8. is

2. Student A looks at the pictures of Nick’s house on this page. Student B looks at the pictures of Mi’s house on page 25. Find the difference between the two houses…. (Học sinh A nhìn vào những bức hình của nhà Nick ở trang 21. Học sinh B nhìn vào những bức hình của nhà Mi ở trang 25. Tìm điểm khác nhau giữa hai ngôi nhà)

Nick’s houseMi’s house
There is only one bathroom in Nick’s house
There is one picture in Nick’s house
There is a dog in Nick’s house.
There is a heating system in Nick’s house
There are two bathrooms in Mi’s house.
There are two pictures in Mi’s living room.
There is one sofa in Mi’s living room.
There isn’t a clock in Mi’s bedroom.

3. Draw a simple plan of your house. Tell your partner about your house.

Gợi ý:

My dream house is a big house with an orchid garden. There are 5 big rooms in my house such as : living room, bathroom, dining room, my room and my parent’s room. There are many other green trees planted surrounded my garden. My house is painted with green color and it is decorated with a small aquarium.

4. Describe your friend’s house to the class