Giải bài tập tiếng Anh 6 thí điểm – Unit 2 – My Home

Hướng dẫn giải bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 6 chương trình thí điểm- Unit 2 – My Home

Getting started 

A look inside

1. Listen and read

a. Which family members does Mi talk about? (Những thành viên trong gia đình mà Mi nói đến?)


b. Read the conversation again. Complete the sentences. (Đọc câu chuyện một lần nữa. Hoàn thành các câu)

1. TV (television), sofa
2. town house
3. sitting on the sofa
4. noisy
5. three.


2. Match the prepositions with the pictures. (Nối các từ thích hợp với hình ảnh. )


A. onB. next C. behindD. in
E. in front ofF. betweenG. under
  1. Write a sentence to describe each picture in 2. (Viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh dựa vào những bức tranh trong bài tập 2)

A: The dogs is on the chair

B: The dogs is next to the bowl.

C: The cat is behind the television.

D: The cat is in the wardrobe.

E: The dog is in front of his house

F: The cat is between the sofa and the land.

G: The cat is under the table.

Look at the picture and write true (T), false (F) …. (Nhìn vào bức tranh và viết đúng(T) sai(F) cho mỗi câu)

The dog is behind the bed
→The dog between the booksheft and the bed
The school bag is under the tableT
The picture is between the clocks
→The clock is between the picture
The dog is in font of the computer
→The cat is in font of the computer.
The cap in under the pillow.
→The cap is next to the pillow.
The pictures are on the wall.T
  1. Look at the picture again. Answer the question. (Nhìn lại bức tranh lần nữa. Trả lời câu hỏi)

Gợi ý trả lời:

  1. Where are the books?

→ The books/They are on the desk/bookshelf

  1. Where are the clothes?

→ The clothes/They are on the floor

  1. Is the pillow on the bed?

→ Yes, it is

  1. Are the notebooks under the bed?

→ No, They aren’t. They’re on the bed

  1. Where is the mouse?

→ It’s behind the bookshelf.

  1. Is the chair next to the bed?

→ No, it isn’t. It’s next to the table.

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