Types of homonyms in English

types of homonym

How many types of homonyms in the English language? illustrate answer with examples. 

There are three types of homonyms

Homophones: Words that are identical in pronunciation but different in spelling

Ví dụ: “piece – peace; buy – by”, see – sea ; night – knight

In English there are many special cases of homophones like:

Knows (from “to know”) – nose

The common English name “Bill” causes misunderstanding in this joke:

– How much is my chicken bill?

– Excuse me, Madam, but my name is John.

Homographs: are words identical in spelling only but different in sound:

“tear – tear; wind – wind”

– bow [ bau ] (v) : to incline the head or body in salutation (lời chào, sự chào)

– bow [ bou ] (n) a flexible strip (dây cung) of wood for propelling(đẩy mũi tên đi) arrows

– Lead [ li:d ] (v) to conduct on the way, go before to show the way (dẫn đường)

– Lead [ led ] (n) a heavy, rather soft metal (kim loại: chì)

Full (perfect) homonyms: are words identical in both pronunciation and spelling:

– fast (go without food or some kinds of food)

– fast (quickly) – fast (deeply, soundly)

– ball (a round object) – ball (a gathering of people for dancing)./.

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