Articulatory and phonemic difference between the following pairs

Question: State the articulatory and phonemic difference between the following pairs:


– [ s z ] : they have the same manner of articulation and place of articulation. But /s/ is a fortis consonant ; / z / is a voiced lenis
– [ f v ] they have the same manner of articulation they both are fricative and the place of articulation that is labio-dental but / f / is a fortis voiceless, / v / is a voiced lenis.
– [ s f ] they both are voiceless fortis, they are fricatives but they have difference in place of articulation, one is a labio-dental consonant and the another is an alveolar consonant
– [ z v ] They both are voiced lenis consonants and they are fricatives, however they have difference in place of articulation, one is a labio-dental and the other is an alveolar./.

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