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Suffixes not affect stress placement

Suffixes not affect stress placement

Suffixes not affect stress placement.

Types of complex word:
Words made from a basic word form ( which we will call the stem with the addition of an affix ) 

• Compound words which are made of two ( or occasionally more) independent English words ( ice-cream, armchair )

The affixes have one of three possible effects on word stress:

– The affix itself receives the primary stress (semi-) + circle → semicircle | ˈsemɪsɜːkl̩ | ; person + nality → personality | ˌpɜːsəˈnælɪti |

– The word is stressed just as if the affix was not there: pleasant [ `pleznt ]; unpleasant [ʌn`pleznt]; market [ `mɑːkɪt ]; marketing [ `mɑːkɪtɪŋ ].

– The stress remains on the stem not the affix, but shift to a different syllable: magnet [ `mægnət ]; magnetic [ mæg`netɪk ]./.

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