Close front and close back vowel in the region of [ iː ] and [ ɪ ] / [ ʊ ] and [ uː ].
1. In word-final position, in word spelt with final [ y ] or [ ey ] after one or more consonants letters.
– Happy [ hæpɪ]; valley [ vælɪ ] , and in phoneme –final position when such words have suffixes beginning with vowels :
happier [ ‘hæpɪə ]; easiest [ ‘iːzɪəst ]; hurrying [ `hʌrɪɪŋ ]
2. In the prefix such as those spelt [ re ], [ pre ], [ de ] if is precedes a vowel and is unstressed : react [ rɪ’ækt ]; preoccupied [ prɪ’ɔkjəpaɪd ]; deactivate [ dɪ’æktɪveɪ ] vv..
3. In the suffixes spelt with [ iate ] [ ious ] when they have two syllables, for example : appreciate [ ə’priːʃɪeɪt ]
4. In the following words when unstressed [ he, she, we, be, me ] and the word [ the ] when it precedes a vowel./.