Learn English

Give examples to illustrate the following consonant rules

Give examples to illustrate the following rules

Give examples to illustrate the following rules

A. [+nasal] => syllabic when at the end of a word and after [+obtruent]

nasal /m,n,ŋ/+ syllable

– standing at the end of word

– standing after [+obtruent]

plato-alveolar: / ʃ,  ʒ, tʃ , dʒ /

alveolar: /l,s,z/


/ʃn/ => /ʃən/ in words: action, information

/ʒn => /ʒən/ in word: television

/tʃn/ => /tʃən in word: question

B. [+lateral] velarised when after a vowel and before another consonant or at the end of a word

– After a vowe and before another consonants


milk /milk/

mill /mil/

C. [+alveolar]=> [+dental] before [+dental]

Example: health, eighth, month

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