Quy tắc đổi từ câu trực tiếp sang gián tiếp

Đổi câu trực tiếp sang gián tiếp

Để chuyển đổi từ câu trực tiếp (direct speech) sang câu gián tiếp (indirect speech) các bạn cần chú ý các quy tắc sau.

Dưới đây là các quy tắc quan trọng khi chuyển đổi câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp các bạn cần ghi nhớ:

1. Changes of adverbial modifiers of time (thay đổi về bổ nghĩa chỉ thời gian):

– This –> that

– Now –> then, at the moment – at that time

– Tomorrow -> The next day, the day after

– To day –> that day

– Yesterday –> the day before, previous day

– 2 days ago –> 2 days before

– Last week –> the week before, previous week.

2. Change of the aspects and tenses (thay đổi về thể và thì)

– The simple present –> the simple past

– The simple past –> the past perfect

– The simple future –> the simple future in the past

– The present continuous –> the past continuous

– The past continuous –> the past perfect continuous

– The future continuous –> the future continuous in the past

– The present perfect –> the past perfect

– The past perfect remained unchanged –> the past perfect

– The present perfect continuous –> the past perfect continuous

– The past perfect continuous –> the past perfect continuous

– The future perfect -> The future perfect in the past

-The future perfect continuous -> The future perfect continuous in the past

3. Change of pronouns (thay đổi về đại từ )

– He said to me “I am now learning English” He said to me he was learning English.

4. Changes of sentences (thay đổi về loại câu)

a. Yes/ No question (câu hỏi dạng Yes/ No) có thêm “if” hoặc whether:

– He said to me “can you speak English “ => He asked me if/whether I could speak English

– He said to me “are you learning English now?” => He asked me if “whether” I was learning English at that moment (at that time) = He would like to know the if I was learning English at that time

b. Wh- question (Câu hỏi bắt đầu bằng “wh-“)

– He said to me: “What are you doing?” => He would like to know what I was doing

c. Alternative question (Câu nghi vấn)

– He said to me “Are you learning English or Chinese?” => He would like to know if i was learning English or Chinese

– He said to me “are we in love or just friend?” => He would like to know if we were in love or just friend

d. Tag question (Câu hỏi đuôi)

– He said to me “She is intelligent, isn’t she?” => He would like me to agree with him that she was intelligent.

e. Imperative sentence (câu mệnh lệnh)

– He said to me “Come in please!” => He asked me, invited me, he forced me, he would like me / to come in

– Father said to his daughter “don’t go out with him any more” => the father didn’t allow his daughter to go out with him any more

f. Exclamatory (Câu cảm thán)

– He said to me “How kind of you” => He highly appreciated my kindness

Note: indirect speech is applied in written English not in spoken English. 

f. Declarative sentence (Câu trần thuật)

– He said to me “I am now talking with her” => He said to me he was talking with her at the moment.

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