Participial phrase – Các hình thức hỗn hợp

participial phrase

Bài hôm nay chúng ta sẽ tìm hiểu hai hình thức hỗn hợp của cụm phân từ – participial phrase, dạng hỗn hợp loại 1 và loại 2.

CỤM PHÂN TỪ (participial phrase): Dạng hỗn hợp loại I

– Alaska, purchased from Russia in 1867, became the 49th state of the United State in 1959

Purchased from Russia in 1867, Alaska became the 49th state of the United State in 1959

– The Eskimos, who have lived in Alaska for million of years, have adapted well to their harsh environment

– The Eskimos, having lived in Alaska for million of years, have adapted well to their harsh environment

Having lived in Alaska for million of years, The Eskimos have adapted well to their harsh environment

– The native inhabitants of Alaska, who had migrated across this land bridge from Asia, can be considered distant cousins of modern Asians.

– The native inhabitants of Alaska, having migrated across this land bridge from Asia, can be considered distant cousins of modern Asian.

Having migrated across this land bridge from Asia, The native inhabitants of Alaska can be considered distant cousins of modern Asians.

CỤM PHÂN TỪ: Dạng hỗn hợp loại 2

Kết hợp giữa cụm phân từ và mệnh đề độc lập

Xét các ví dụ:

– Thousands of people work with everyday issues and problems

( who are currently employed as computer programmers )

– Thousands of people currently employed as computer programmers work with everyday issues and problems.

– In the school, computers can teach students many subjects.

(This will replace the need for personal contact with a tutor)

– Computers, replacing the need for personal contact with a tutor, can teach students many subjects

– Furthermore, the price having fallen for a number of years will be even less in the future

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