Giải bài tập tiếng Anh 6 thí điểm – Unit 2 – My Home



1. Put the words into the correct groups. Do you want to add any words to each group?

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  1. Make sentences. Use appropriate prepositions of place.

Gợi ý giải:

  1. The boy is on the table.
  2. The dog is in front of his house.
  3. The cat is between the bookshelf and the sofa.
  4. The cat is behind the computer.
  5. The girl is next to the cat.
  6. The boy is next to the sofa.
  1. Look at the picture and complete the sentences. Use There is/There are/ There isn’t/There aren’t.

Gợi ý:

  1. There is a clock on the wall.
  2. There are books on the bookshelf.
  3. There is a desk next to the bookshelf.
  4. There aren’t two posters on the wall.
  5. There is a laptop and a lamp on the desk.
  6. There aren’t 3 small trees in the corner.
  1. Turn the sentences in 3 into questions. (Chuyển các câu trong mục 3 thành câu hỏi.)

Hướng dẫn giải:

  1. Is there a clock on the wall?
  2. Are there books on the bookshelf?
  3. Is there a desk next to the bookshelf?
  4. Are there two posters on the wall?
  5. Is there a laptop and a lamp on the desk?
  6. Are there 3 small trees in the corner?
  1. Write six sentences to describe your bedroom.

(Viết những câu miêu tả phòng ngủ của bạn.)

Gợi ý:

My bedroom is very big. There is a big window. There is a bookshelf, a wardrobe, a bed, a light, a lamp, a desk and a chair. There are 3 family pictures on the wall.

The bookshelf is next to the wardrobe. The bed is next to the lamp. There is a computer and a fan in my bedroom. The computer is on the desk.

  1. Work in groups. Take turns to draw a cat in the house below. Other students ask questions to find the cat.

( Làm việc theo nhóm. Luân phiên vẽ một con mèo trong ngôi nhà bên dưới. Những học sinh khác đặt câu hỏi để tìm ra con mèo.)


A: Where is the cat?
B: Is it on the bed?
A: No, it isn’t.
C: Is it under the table?
A: Yes, it is.

Lời giải gợi ý:

A: Where is the cat?
B: Is it in the kitchen?
A: No it isn’t.
B: Is it under the dinner table?
A: No, it isn’t.
B: Is it next to stairs?
A: Yes, it is.


  1. Which house do you want to live in? Why? (Em muốn ở ngôi nhà nào? Tại sao?)
    I want to live in the house of picture A. Because it’s special
  1. Draw your own crazy house. Tell the group about your house.

(Vẽ ngôi nhà lạ của em và nói cho cả nhóm nghe về ngôi nhà đó.)

Lời giải:

My house has 7 rooms. They are 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, one living room, one kitchen, one hall. There is a light, a sofa, a window and two pictures, a chest of drawers in the living room.

There is a bed, a wardrobe, a lamp, a desk, a computer, a bookshelf and a picture in my bedroom. My bathroom is next to my bedroom. My parent’s bedroom has a bed, a lamp, a chest of drawers, a window and a picture.

The bathroom is next to my parents’ bedroom. There is a fridge, a sink, a cooker, a window, a cupboard in the kitchen. The hall is between the kitchen and the living room.

Hết Unit 2

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