Giải bài tập SGK tiếng Anh 12 mới – Unit 1 – Life Stories



  1. Write the words given in the box next to their meanings.
talentedgifted, having a natural ability to do something well
distinguishedvery successful and admired by other people
respectableregarded by society as acceptable, proper and correct
generosity kindness or willingness to give
achievement something that has been obtained by hard work, ability or effort

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in 1

1. distinguished 2. talented3. achievements4. respectable5. generosity


  1. Listen to pairs of sentences. Write the correct words in the gaps. The first pair has been done as an example.

Nội dung bài nghe:

  1. a) My English class is at two o’clock.

b) It’s never too late to learn another language.

  1. a) His father is a guitarist. but he wasn’t allowed to play any musical instruments until he was 15.

b) Please read the letter aloud to us.

  1. a) You can write your life story and post it on this website.

b) I hope we’re doing the right thing.

  1. a) J.K. Rowling’s new novel will come out next month.

b) I knew where he was hiding, but I didn’t know why he was wanted

  1. a) Beethoven composed some of his finest works here in this house.

b) Did you hear the latest news about Steven Spielberg’s film?

  1. a) She has been involved in many community projects.

b) Yan has just posted his latest bean soup recipe on the Internet. You should try it out.

2.Listen and repeat the sentences in 1


  1. Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the past continuous.
  1. went, was having.
  2. met, was travelling.
  3. was working, was, were.
  4. shared, was always taking.
  5. called, was doing, did not hear.
  6. was constantly asking, was.
  7. requested, was composing.
  8. joined, was then leading.

2. Complete the gaps with the where necessary. If an article is not necessary, write a cross (x)

1. the2. the, the3. x, x4. x
5. the, x, the6. the, x, x, the, the7. x, the, x8. the, x

3. Complete the gaps with a, an or a cross (x) if an article is not necessary

1. a2. x, a3. x, a, x4. a, x, a
5. x, a6. a, x, a7. x, an8. a, x

4. Read the following story and complete each gap with an article. Write a cross (x) if an article is not necessary
