Giải bài tập SGK tiếng Anh 10 mới – Unit 1 – Family life



  1. Listen and underline the words that have the consonant cluster sounds / tr/, / br/, and / kr/. Write /tr/, / br/ or / kr/ above the word that has the corresponding consonant cluster sound. Then practice reading the sentences.

  1. After having the ice cream, she brushed her teeth.
    /kr/ /br/
  2. The car crashed into a tree near the traffic lights.
    /kr/ /tr/ /tr/
  3. Try this new dish created by your brother. (Thử món ăn mới do em trai của hạn nấu.)
    /tr/ /kr/ / br/
  4. They often have brown bread at breakfast.
    /br/ /br/ /br/
  5. That brave young man likes travelling by train.
    /br/ /tr/ /tr/
  6. Is it true that the crime rate is increasing?
    /tr/ /kr/ /kr/


  1. What chores are the people doing? Write the name of the chore under each picture
1. cooking6. washing up
2. shopping for groceries7. ironing
3. doing the laundry/washing clothes8. sweeping
4. taking out the rubbish9. watering houseplants
5. cleaning the toilet10. feeding the cats

2. Use the words / phrases in the box in their correct form to complete the text

1. does the cooking2. shops for groceries3. does the heavy lifting4. laundry
5. ironing6. takes out the rubbish7. sweeping the house8. lays the table


  1. Finish the sentences with either the present simple or the present continuous
  1. am writing, miss
  2. am looking after
  3. looks, is wearing
  4. am cooking
  5. are you reading
  6. do

2. Work in groups. Discuss the following questions.

  1. Should young people like you share the housework? Why? Why not?
    Yes, they should because it helps you become sociable.
  2. What household chores are suitable for young people like you?
    Any household chores.
  3. What do you actually do to help with the housework in your family?
    I do the laundry, washing-up…


  1. Do a survey. Find out…

20 students live in a nuclear family and 15 students live in an extended family.
25 students have both parents working.
22 students spend at least one hour a day doing housework.
13 students have parents spend at least one hour a day helping them with their homework.
My classmates think the ideal family is that parents both work to share the financial burden and do the household duties together.

2. Work in groups. Compare your findings and get ready to report to the class

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